
£3000 - 1 remaining

What you'll get

  • Logo on re:develop t-shirts
  • Logo and link on homepage, both mobile and desktop
  • Logo on lanyard
  • Full profile on sponsors page, with logo, link, and description
  • Marketing & networking opportunities before, during & post conference
  • Exhibition space in venue foyer
  • 4 free tickets for the conference + 50% discount on up to 10 tickets


£2000 - 1 remaining

What you'll get


£1000 - 0 remaining

What you'll get

refreshment sponsors


A good conference isn't the same without a great evening experience, and part of that is providing great drinks to attendees. We’ll be going to a place that does great cocktails, great drinks, and a great atmosphere.


We are planning on providing a healthy breakfast to help our attendees get ready for the brain stimulation ahead, and we need your help to make it memorable start to the day.


We’ve got a few surprises up our sleeve for lunch, but we need your help to make it happen. Lunch won’t be your standard fare, because that’s not what this conference is about. Our attendees won’t forget this meal in a hurry.


The conference day will ease seamlessly into an evening of networking for attendees and speakers, and keeping everyone fuelled will be instrumental in that. Help us to provide a simple but lovely dinner and you’ll find an important place in everyone’s hearts.

Want to talk more? Give Tom a call on 01202 766666.